Friday, May 20, 2011

Ay, What's That Smell?

There's a saying that if you experience something good you will tell one person, however, if you experience something bad you will tell ten people.  Don't quote me, but it's something like that. I agree with that statement and I definitely will let people know if something esta de madre, but I also love to sing the praises of things that I like.

I came across one such item at a local boutique on Main Street a few days after I had moved up here. I had read about said item in a magazine a few months earlier and thought it was a gimmick; you know, something to buy as a gag gift along the same lines as bacon flavored lip balm or Play-Doh scented cologne (yes, these both exist). The item in question was Poo-Pourri. I know you are asking, "Well D, que es eso? Like it's name indicates it is a spray that is like potpourri masking your poo.  You read right: a poo disguiser! The store in question was not a novelty store by any means so I figured that if they carried an item it had to be legit. I decided to buy a little bottle and try it out.  Worst case scenario is that it didn't work and I'd be out only $10 -- Lord knows I have done worse than that.

I took it home and gave it the ultimate test: Mi Gringito.

Well, what do you know?  The stuff works! All you have to do is spray the actual toilet water before you do your stuff and VOILA! The only scent in the room is the spray...don't believe me?  Try it yourself!

After my experiment, I marched right back to the boutique and bought four more bottles.  Two large ones for the house and two small ones that I sent to Mami & Papi. I took the original little bottle that I bought to work and spread the good news to all my co-workers (we had been discussing the need of gas masks in the ladies room lately). I love the stuff! I've also been known to give it to friends as a housewarming gift or a "just because" gift.  I'm telling you guys: check this stuff out! Prices range from $9.95 for the 2oz. bottle to $16.95 for the gift pack of a bottle and a roll of toilet paper. This isn't going to break the bank, people.  I bought our bottles sometime last May and they are halfway used up -- I say it's a great investment.

You won't be saying, "Fo, que peste!" if you use this!
Now I've only tested two of their fragrances: Heaven Scent & Royal Flush. Heaven Scent is has a light lemony scent, but I sometimes think it smells a bit like Fresh Step Kitty Litter. Royal Flush has a scent more akin to men's cologne.  Their website boasts a total of 11 scents as well as pet odor eliminator, auto aromatherapy and soiled diaper odor eliminator.  Wow, I am atras del palo and will have to test some of these newer items out!

Whatever the case, give it a shot and let me know!

Un beso muy grande de mi parte! XOXO!

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